Frequently asked Questions

Gradelink is an online communication tool for students and parents/guardians to enroll, receive school communication, view grades, homework, and assignments. 

Gradelink is an online communication tool for students and parents/guardians to enroll, receive school communication, view grades, homework, and assignments. 

Please view the enrollment page and register for a Gradelink account. 

Please view the enrollment page and register for a Gradelink account. 

Class Dojo connects teachers with students and parent/guardians to creative positive culture, give students a voice, and share moments with parents.

Class Dojo connects teachers with students and parent/guardians to creative positive culture, give students a voice, and share moments with parents.

Charter Schools are a no-cost alternative to your area’s public school.

Charter Schools are a no-cost alternative to your area’s public school.

Please view our before and after care page to see an array of offerings from PAC.

Please view our before and after care page to see an array of offerings from PAC.

There are always opportunities to help your PAC community. Please visit the community engagement page for more information. 

There are always opportunities to help your PAC community. Please visit the community engagement page for more information. 

Each class is a 25/1 or under ratio making our classrooms a tremendous place to learn and receive individual attention. 

Each class is a 25/1 or under ratio making our classrooms a tremendous place to learn and receive individual attention. 

We encourage parents/guardians to bring nonfood items to celebrate these occasions. Please do not bring pizza, cake, or any other food items to these celebrations. 

We encourage parents/guardians to bring nonfood items to celebrate these occasions. Please do not bring pizza, cake, or any other food items to these celebrations.