
View PAC’s Curriculum

FUNdations® is a multisensory and systematic phonics, spelling, and handwriting program (a method of teaching people to read by correlating sounds with letters or groups of letters). FUNdations is designed as a whole-class, general education program used for prevention and can also be taught in a small group or 1:1 setting for intervention (Tier 2). Basically, FUNdations helps kids learn how to read!(K-6)

Wonders is a comprehensive K-6 English language arts program. It provides an instructional system for reading both literature and informational texts. This allows students to develop basic skills to develop mastery of reading, speaking, listening and writing skills.

Math instruction is always evolving, with new approaches to the way we teach and engage students and utilize technology. Everyday Mathematics meets students and teachers on their math journey, raising student achievement scores and supporting teachers along the way. Everyday Mathematics helps teachers to differentiate instruction, building and reinforcing foundational math skills that translate from the classroom to real life, while incorporating technology in every lesson.

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When you harness students’ natural curiosity, real learning happens. HMH Science programs are designed to encourage student-directed learning and deeper understanding of concepts and open students’ minds to a world of scientific thinking. Students enjoy learning through dynamic, integrated print magazines and digital components to gain a deeper understanding of science concepts.

KidsDiscover Social Studies presents the rich, inventive story of our world, challenging students to dig deep into the past, ask questions, uncover the connections to their world today, and prepare for tomorrow.


Art, Music, Technology, Spanish, and Physical Education are presented to students in an interesting and enjoyable way. Each area will offer students an opportunity to actively participate in activities, projects, and events that excite and motivate students.