Parent/Guardian Information I:
Parent/Guardian Information II:
Emergency Local Contact (not a parent). Please provide at least two (2):
Additional Authorized People for Pickup
Medical Information:

I understand that if emergency medical care is necessary by a physician and I cannot be contacted, I authorize the Principle Academy Charter childcare provider to act on my behalf in granting permission for my child, named above, to receive treatment as follows:

Any child experiencing illness will be attended by a PAC Before and After Care Program childcare provider. The parent or emergency contact will be contacted. In the event of a serious injury, an ambulance will be called first. This will be followed by a call to the child’s parent or the emergency contact. The childcare provider will then accompany the child until the arrival of a parent or emergency contact.


Cost: Before Care $5/child; After Care $10/child - Discount provided for multiple children in the same household.

One-time registration fee: $15 - Registration fee is due on Monday, September 20th

PAC accepts checks or money orders only as payment for the PAC Before and After Care Program.